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What is polygraph?
A polygraph, often referred to as a lie detector, is a sophisticated instrument employed to quantify and document physiological parameters, including heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, and skin conductivity. Its application involves administering a series of questions to an individual, with the objective of discerning potential physiological responses indicative of deception.
At Cross Point, we employ Lafayette equipment for polygraph examinations, conducted by skilled examiners to validate statements.
Our Polygraph Services are accredited through the following organizations:

Why do I need a Polygraph?
Polygraph testing can be used in a variety of situations including, pre-employment, employee theft, marital affairs and other relationship matters, witness statement verification, and more.
How do I choose a reliable Polygraph Examiner?
Choosing the right polygraph examiner is crucial for accurate and reliable results. Begin by verifying their certification through reputable organizations like the American Polygraph Association (APA) or the American Association of Police Polygraphists (AAPP). Additionally, consider their experience in handling cases similar to yours and assess their reputation using online reviews and references. Evaluate the effectiveness of their methods, ensuring they are backed by scientific research. Lastly, prioritize professionalism throughout the examination process and discuss the costs upfront to make an informed decision. Read the full article here for detailed guidance on finding a trustworthy professional.
When considering hiring a polygraph examiner, here are some questions to ask yourself:
“Do I trust that this individual is telling me the truth?”
“Can I afford not to verify if this person is telling me the truth?”
What is involved with a Polygraph test?
The polygraph examination typically lasts between 2 to 4 hours, encompassing three main phases: the pre-test interview, in-test data collection, and post-interrogation/post-interview. The pre-test interview, being the most extensive part of the process, provides an opportunity for the examiner to gather relevant information pertaining to the presented situation.
Can you fail a polygraph if you are truthful?
False positives and false negatives do happen, but this is rare! A well-trained examiner will take the time to gather accurate results. A polygraph examination requires 100% cooperation from the examiner, as well as the examinee.